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Ride Captains Required Empty Ride Captains Required

Post  kevd Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:37 pm

Medium/main Group Cyclists - Volunteers Required.....

With our group getting bigger and more difficult to manage, I think it's time we re-organised slightly. We need more rides progressing from beginners to feeding people up into the fast group. We also need more ride variety. However, to do this we need more ride captains.

Finding people who are willing to step out from the herd and take on a leadership role has always been difficult, but if we want the group to continue to thrive AND STAY SAFE, some of the stronger and regular riders must step up to the plate.

This is a call for volunteers to be ride captains. It's not difficult (clearly), but it does require a commitment to take certain rides out. If a lot of people volunteer, then there won't be a need to do it every weekend, like some of us have to do at the moment.

So come on, if you want the group to get bigger and to thrive it's time to ante up and volunteer. Either post your name here or send a PM. For those who do volunteer, we will get together on Wednesday evening for an hour to discuss how things will work.

As an aside, I wasn't around for last Friday's ride which I understand had a few issues. I haven't got all the details, but as an observation, it is bad form to try and change the format of a ride halfway through. The ride captain is trying to ensure group safety. If you don't like how a ride is going or being managed, just grin and bear it and discuss whatever issue there is after the ride or at the coffee break. And, of course, volunteer to be a ride captain and take on the responsibility yourself.  Very Happy 

We've got a good thing going in the main/medium paced group - let's make it even better.



Posts : 422
Join date : 2011-04-03
Age : 67
Location : Abu Dhabi

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